Saturday, May 2, 2009

A week has past..

A week has past since I wrote on this blog. and Nothing "BIG" happen in the past week. Except:
  1. The guys came back from Japan on Tuesday
  2. Basketball Girl Competition
  3. Sangsu; a.k.a Tattoo parlour
  4. Nowon on Thursday + Saturday Night
That was all... so I shall elaborate on those points :P

1) The guys went to Japan two weeks ago, and just came back on Tuesday night. It was alrite for me that they were gone, but there were times when I wish they were around. To hang out with, the chill with, to have them in class with.. But I was happy they were back! && I got a souvenir from Japan too! -from Olof.. at least someone remembers me.. haha!

2) We exchange girls had made a group of 5 girls to have basketball matches against 2 Korean girls team. Winner gets 200,000Won, no idea whether its true or not. If its true, that is good, cuz then I have some extra cash that I can eat, or SHOP with! hehe.. We had 2 games already, on Wednesday + Friday, and we won both of them!!! First game: 25:2 (2 points per hoop) Second game: 23:3 (1 point per hoop). Tomorrow (Sunday), will be the finals of the Girls' Basketball, and we are playing the same team again,. Lets hope we do as good as Friday, or even BETTER!!

3) Friday afternoon, me and Isabelle went to the tattoo parlour in Sangsu, where Isabelle wanna get her tattoo done. Took an hour to get to the place, since its on the west of Seoul. Once we got there, the place was nice, the people were nice, it wasn't as scary as I imagined it, like on Miami Ink. But this was until the man incharged took us into a room, to look for a better tattoo picture for Isabelle, but there was a man inside getting his tattoo done!! The sound of the needles, just not so nice to endure through. eeek! The man and Isabelle discussed, that her Cherry Blossom tattoo will cost 600,000Won(!) and it will take about 8 hours to finish. So I will have to come back with her again, and watch it being done on her. I'll probably be the one that faints first. The guy said I could get a small one free of charge!! Woot! Shud I get one?? hehehe... I have no idea whether that is a joke or not.. We'll see..

4) Nowon, a new district in Seoul that I have lately explored, and slowly liking it there. A place that Olof said I must go, and took me to on Thursday. We met up with Min to have dinner, and walked around the place as well.. We also met up with the others to have some drink. The main thing I like bout Nowon, is the "15,000Won shop" ( if that is what it's called).. It mainly sells jeans for only 18,000Won!!! HOw Cheap is that!? So i bought a pair of jeans and have a month time to change it if it doesn't fit.. Saturday night, I had nothing to do, so me and Dorothy decided to go back to the shop and check it out again; for me, I was going to change the jeans, and I did! So today, I got a new pair of jeans and skirt! muahaha,, Happy! :D We bought some jewelries and miraculously met up with the 3 guys who just finished watching movie, Olof, Martin and Min. We ate Yoghurt ice cream together, Yummy!! It was already 11pm at that time.. But thats' about how my Saturday night ended.. sweet.. how the swedish says it .. "Stek!"

Below are pics that I took from Friday night out, and Nowon. enjoy!!

That's all the pics!! <3 ..hehe ..


  1. i thought u said u were not gonna show those pictures..

  2. True, I thought it was safe here..
    Fine, I'll take it off :P
