Saturday, April 25, 2009

Half-Day DMZ Tour

Muahahaha~ Going to the border between the North and South :P
Actually before I start writing about my trip, I have something to say, this DMZ trip wasn't what I had in mind, because me and the others thought that everything would be included. What I meant, was the going to the "House" (Panmunjeom) would be on the trip as well, because that is what I thought, the most important part of the trip would be!! To see the North Korean side, getting to be really close to the border line, and to see the place where the armistice was signed.. So in the end, it was only half of the DMZ, excluding the Punmunjeom JSA tour.. sigh.. But anways, here goes...

7am: On the bus, with maybe 34 other people going towards the DMZ.. .
9:30am: We arrived at Imjingak Park (it was built to console the homesick refugees who left N.korea during the korean war)
10am: Crossing the military check point, going into the DMZ.. reached the 3rd tunnel!!

3rd tunnel: "Dug in 1978 by North Korea to infiltrate South Korean territory, this tunnel is 1,635 long, 2m wide and 2m tall. It was built to allow the passage of 10,000 armed soldiers." I have to say, this was the most interesting part of the tour for me, we got to go all the way to see the tunnel, and got to walk through the tunnel until 107m from the North Korean border lines. It was creepy to walk through the tunnel, since it seemed like a haunted tunnel to me. It was a long way down, and a long way up..

11am: Went to the Dora Observatory.. Where pictures can be taken to try and see North Korea, only before the yellow line. There were telephoto lenses (?) where we can see North Korea. I would not miss this chance so I put in 500Won to look at North Korea. I saw the South Korean GP (Guard post; with specially trained, fully armed soldiers), The Punmunjeom area T.T, the Norht Korean border line, the industrial complex in North Korea, and the whole stretch of the border line & DMZ.

11:30am: Arrived at Dorasan Station,. Where a train departs to NOrth Korea everyday (One time per day). Got a stamp to proove that I was there,.

12pm: Left the DMZ :((

Basically that was it!! So short.. so little.. so not enough.. Therefore, Im planning to return to the DMZ to go to Panmunjeom!! I want to see the things that I missed.. So Dmz, this is not the last you will see of me, I'll be back!! hehehe..

For pictures, go to my facebook, there are explanations there.. Im too lazy to explain everything at all the different places :P

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