Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ceramic Festival

Yesterday (Saturday), there was a field trip that was organized by the Professors of Qm and POM. So we exchange students took this as an opportunity to see more of Korea, and its culture/traditions.. hehe,, We left at 10-ish in the morning, and it took us 2.5 hours to get there due to traffic jams!! It was horrible on the bus, me with no drink, no food, no music, not much talking, so., I just SLEpt! hehehe..

When we arrived, we went for a very traditional Korean Lunch! A table filled with Food, just enough place for you to put a bowl of rice, and a cup of water, all the other places were filled with dishes of food! After lunch, we went to the Ceramic Festival for 2 hours-ish, walked around, saw the ceramic exhibitions, many collections from around the world! I wanted to buy some ceramics things for my parents, but it was too expensive! and I have to watch my money, right mum and dad?? hehe.. So I bought 2 ceramics magnets instead, cheap, and mum's favourite.. LOL, Im so suckin up right now :P But ya, my afternoon ended after the ceramics festivals.

Then my night started!!! muahahahaha~

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