Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weekend surrounded by mountains

8 of my friends and I went to the mountains for the weekends, our goal was to visit a famous national park in Korea, called Seoraksan. We took the bus Saturday afternoon and came back on Monday, so we stayed 3 days and 2 nights there! It has been a long long time, since I traveled with my friends, and it turned out really GREAT! I loved the weekend I just had, traveling, eating, sleeping in a house, drinking, exploring, and going through everything together! They were like family for 3 days!! ... awwwww...

more info of the trip :P .. read below.. i'll try to make it short

Took the 12pm bus from the East Seoul terminal and arrived in Bakdamsa at 3pm. It was so different than the city! so nice to just get away for the weekend! Anyway, The lady from the guest house picked us up, and we stayed in a typical traditional korean house "Yellow mud house"! A nice experience too, warm heating from the floor, a 2-floor hut all to ourselves, and luckily we had mattress, if not I dont know how we can sleep.. We explored the area and realised it was a "no-man's land" almost no one lives here, so quiet! All we did that day was found the place to buy snacks, had dinner, and chilled at home, with snacks and drinks.

Got out of bed and ready by 11am for the bus, arrived and had lunch, but only got to Seoraksan national park by 2pm. The area was so nice and calming! NATURe! The first and last course we did in Seoraksan was going to see the waterfall, which was 50mins walk away. Due to bad weather on the way back from the waterfall, cable car wasn't working :((( It was like a typhoon was about to hit! the wind here was CRAZY! even the polls were shaking! but guess wat, when we decided to leave because of bad weather, the freakin sky cleared and it turned nicer when we were back in the city :SS Psssh.. So we grabbed something to eat and headed for the hot spring/indoor swimming! .. Finally swam after 1.5years?? The night ended with buying drinks back to the house, then more chilling and drinking there.. hehe..

Woke up, packed, took some last minute group photos and left for the bus stop by 12pm. Took the bus at 12pm and arrived in Seoul at 2:30pm-ish.

My mountain weekend trip ended there.. not much details, hehe..
What happens in the mountains, stays in the mountains! hahahahaha!
Enjoy some of the pics below..

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