Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunset N-tower

Met up with Joe today, for the first time after clubbing (Finally! the first time we met was Early April), but the last time in S. Korea this time! He's gonna go back to the military tomorrow :((( Wish there was more time we could hang out together! He said he will come to NL again to visit, and I will either go to S.korea/the States to visit him. Was a long day for me today, I also got to meet 2 of his friends from the States, Candace & Anne! Great gurls.. real glad that I met them! <3 Before meeting Anne, I took Candace & Joe upto N Tower! why? cuz they never been!! .. I actually took 2 korean ppl upto a tower that's in their home country! the twist* hehe. Im So happy that I met up with Joe and his 2 friends today! More friends!! :D Me happy!

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