Sunday, May 3, 2009

..stupid me..

My right ankle is currently the size of an egg!!

Clever me, got my ankle twisted during a basketball match, it literally went *crack crack crack crack* Haiz.. so disappointed with myself.. my first serious injury from sport!! and it happened in Korea! and not back home..

After the Basketball, me, Mariana and the swedish guys went to the korean hot spa/sauna.. It was so nice there!! (except the have to be naked in the showers/hot tub part). But Im so going back there again! with my own towels/bikini.. hehehe... Im gonna do the shower/hot tub myway! Its definitely a good place to go after clubbing.. i can sleep, eat, relax, have massages in that place.. Heaven!!

Was the best way to end my Sunday!! <3<3
-- except the swollen ankle part

<<egg-sized ankle


  1. Hallo Yin,

    Omg!! What a pity :P. You are so nooby :P. How could you twist your ankle in Seoul. You shouldn't suppose to twist it during your trip!!?!?! Hahaha! Anyways, try to be more careful, otherwise you have to stay at I-house for the rest of your stay :P. How was the second DMZ trip btw? Are you satisfied now? Any pictures? Did you buy anything?

    Best regards,


  2. What a pity.. how long does it take to be overcomed???
