Sunday, April 12, 2009

What did I do this weekend?

OK, I'll make this brief, because it could go on forever! --

ON friday: Me, the Swedish and Kyrgyzstan girls went to Yeouido Park in Seoul for the Spring flower festival.. We went to the Yeouido Park, thinking that the festival was there, therefore, the park was quite "different" than we expected.. Later we found out that the Spring Flower festival was in a different place and not in the Yeouido Park. Basically.. it was a Walking day! loads and loads of walking...

Saturday: Me, my room mate and the Swedish girls went for a picnic on-campus.. Outside of the Library.. in the hot sun, burning ourselves and having strawberries.. Hmm.. wat a sight! Later that night, we went to Itaewon for dinner.. Santorini Greek Restaurant.. Great food but damn expensive.. will not be going there too often.. After Itaewon, we went to Hongdae (the party area), tried the Ice-bar that Stefan couldn't shut up about, it was his idea to go there.. It was freezing COld!! -10celsius?! and us not wearing a lot.. IT was like Summer and Winter in 1 day.. from 25celsius Hot sun.. to -10celsius Ice room! Later that night, I went clubbing with 3 new people I met and some of the guys.. It was so much fun!! I love Q-vo!! will be going back there for more! ... hehe...

Sunday: Woke up late and went to Bosan to meet Weon Jun.. a friend of mine from the ISSE.. and he is currently in KATUSA,, and American Military Base.. He's there for his military service. I was suppose to get to see the American base, but because Malaysia is still like a threat to the Americans, I cant get in with my stupid Malaysian passport!!! Even with a Dutch resident card I still cant get in!! Even with an American VISA! Screwed my day for me.. But eventhough that happended, I still managed to enjoy myself! Weon Jun and I had coffee and donuts, talked about the past, and how we were for the past 4 years.. I took Weon Jun to Hoegi, showed him my campus, took him to dinner.. and we went to Noraebang for an hour, before he had to go home.

Photos from Friday and Saturday will be on MSN Space/Facebook..
Below are pictures from Sunday..

Videos of us singing.. enjoy :P Espcially Weon Jun's solo..

The two videos below are the best of the best!~ Weon Jun can sing really well! and HIGH!

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