Friday, April 17, 2009

Takin a break from studying..

Decided to write some stuff while taking a break,, Im going to be productive.
After reading Isabelle's blog, it made me realized, my time in Seoul is slowly running out.. I DONT WANNA GO HOME!! Seoul has started to sink in, and Im so gonna miss this place!! Facebook tells me I still have 75 days left in Seoul.. omg.. 75 days can pass very fast!! Im gonna miss the friends that I met here, incl. the food, the city, the school, the clubs.. and many more! ..
Ok change topics,.. I cant go on about this..

Next week, it will be mid-term exams for me,. with 4 exams to take! Whether you believe it or not, I already started studying! I normally dont start studying until like 2 days before. However, nothing seems to sink in!! stressful... I even went to the library last night, at 11:30pm.. I stayed there until 2am.. Reading my investment text book, and highlighting the important blahs..
The unbelievable thing was, Korean ppl doesn't seem to sleep.. people were still going in and out of the study room at like 1am, even at 2am.. its unbelievable..

I hope all goes well next week, whether or not my score are flying colours, it still needs to pass no matter what! , apart from that, i dont really mind much.. hehe.. I shud be more strict on myself..

After the mid-terms, I have already been planning..
Thursday: I will party with the girls.. Ladies night (since the guys are in Japan)
Friday: I will party with more people since its Club Day!
Sunday: I either go to Seoul world, or DMZ.. I still need to pick one.. stress..
Next weekend: I heard there will be MT with the IFCC, so Im waiting for that! I wanna see how a Korean MT is like..

I really need to find more time to get out of Seoul! I need to see more of the country..

OK, break over! back to studying for another hour.. going out clubbing tonite again :P a little gift for myself.. to get over the stress..

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