Sunday, April 19, 2009

Get out of here! ...

"Hello Hello, Get out of here! Get out of our country, you're not welcome here! Go back to Itaewon!" - This was what a korean person said to us (Me, Mariana, Isabella, and Isabelle..) when we were in the subway, on the way back home.. He wasn't drunk or anything.. just maybe something wrong up there?? I think he was shouting to the other three, and not actually me. But still, ... hmmm... quite rude.. I'm learning and seeing more and more of the Korean not liking foreigners side. Especially in the older generations,. or people hating the American Soldiers here.. What is a country without a bit of racism?? It exists everywhere...

Anyway, I should studying at this moment, and now be writing blogs.. I guess the reader are lucky, since I am writing somemore up here,.. 4 exams to go, all which I dont know what to expect of. First exams of those courses in Korea! Dunno what the questions will be like.. HOw much I wish I can do well.. Fingers cross.. touch wood..

Nothing much happen this weekend, except Friday, partying.. Saturday, dinner in Sinchon with Isabelle's friend, Seung-Min. Sunday stay home all day, trying to study, which was not too productive.. Alrite, boring weekend... over...

Going back to studying!! the pressure is on this week!! ...

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