Friday, June 26, 2009

3 more days left

My sister has been here for 6 days now, and my friends left a week or more ago,.. I now realized that it was a good thing that my sister came to visit, if not, I would never survive these days on my own. I would just be sitting at home and not doing much. After almost everyone left, and other people going on holiday to Japan/ Beijing, this place feels so empty and cold. I somehow wish I wasn't the last ones to leave this place,.

Right now, Im frustrated with packing,. no matter how much I pack there are still so many stuff!! I even bought the biggest trash bag, and have it half filled now, it still looks like I have a LOT of stuff!! 어떻해?!! what am I gonna do? I dislike packing, I wish a container would just show up and I can throw everything into it! But life is unfair, we dont always get what we want, so Im just going to stick with packing and leave in 3 days! Im going to somehow spend my summer to the fullest, I want to have fun as much as I can!! I want to be happy!

3 more days!!!!! I will miss Seoul, but then again, Im 70% sure that I will come back again, so its definitely not good-bye forever! .. not that sad this way..

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