Saturday, June 13, 2009

horrible week

This coming week has gotta be the worse week here!

Final Exams and 4 more friends are leaving in the same week! My concentration for studying are gone! Why must I be studying when all I wanna do is hang out with my friends and just have FUN!?!! I really thought I could handle the whole farewell good-bye part, but its starting to feel horrible for me. I really don't wanna say good-bye to the friends here and I dont wanna leave here! Why did I choose to stay longer in Seoul when all my friends are leaving early? ..haiz.. Coming here was an experience for me, but this leaving part is disgusting! Everything happens for a reason, and I just have to live with it .. haiz.. "keep my heads up, and Live strong"

I still have visit the different places outside Seoul, but Im not gonna worry about it, becuz I know for sure that I will be back in Korea again,. I will slowly, somehow put a fullstop to this semester with my friends,. Im SOOOOOO Gonna MISS them!! :(((((

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