Thursday, June 25, 2009

[quick update] Sunday: My sister arrived :D but Laura's last day :((

[Sunday 21st June] My sister arrived from M'sia!! I picked her up at the station, rested a little, and we went straight for Myeong-DOng!! Don't worry, I didnt buy anything, so it was not a dangerous trip to that place.. hehe.. We went to the Namsan tower, (the 3rd time for me!!, no more I hope),. It was pretty tiring for us both, since we both slept so little the night before. So headed home and rest for awhile, before going the Kyung Hee Hybrid party.

It was the last night out, before Laura had to leave to Latvia. We partied a little, danced, sweat, drinked, it was a short tiring night, but worth it! Took a group picture with Laura before leaving! Laura my girl, Im gonna miss you! Im so happy that I met you here in Seoul!! Take care fluffy!! xx

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