Monday, July 6, 2009

Good-Bye Seoul

I've been out of Seoul for almost a week now.. It feels weird to leave after living in a place for the past 4 months. Seoul was like a home away from home for me. Packing everything, delivering packages, and moving the suitcases away from I-House was really difficult for me; not only because I have a lot of stuff, but it was difficult to say good-bye.

This exchange abroad program has allowed me to go to Korea, experience a different culture, allowed me to study on a different campus than Fontys, met a lot of new friends (some really close friends), and many more things that cannot replace this trip. Im really glad that I chose to study abroad, although this decision was made after going through some frustrating times, but this decision is probably the best decision I made this year! hehe..

I'll be honest here, I did not cry when I was leaving, I didn't tear on the plane, but was very thankful for being able to come to Seoul and everything else that had happen. This would probably be my one of my last post here, I will also be adding some last few pictures later. Im thankful for everyone who have read my blog, (not many though)..but It was a pleasure to share some of my experience with you all.

Im back in Malaysia now for the summer, I will be returning to the Netherlands next month. The feeling being back has been weird and sad at times, also being home-sick of NL & Seoul, but life must go on. I would really like to return to Seoul some time in the future, being able to see the places I usually go to, doing/ eating the things I used to would be great!!

For now, I must make this summer efficient and fun for myself!
Take care everyone and Enjoy your summer!!! xxx


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
