Thursday, March 12, 2009

A day @ E-mart

Wooopie!!! 1st comment on my blog!! By my great friend, TOmmy..
He requested that I should talk picture of Kyung Hee for my friends and family to see,. I have taken some pictures before, but its not a lot.. I will wait for Spring, when the cherry blossom are out, then I'll take some Fabulous pics!! OKay???

Anyway, today...
I went to E-mart! to stock a lot of things!!
I bought myself a rice cooker!!! muahahahaha!~ I can start cooking!!
I also bout some vege and meat to do some cooking, not forgetting to mention, 1kg of strawberry!! the strawberries from E-mart are so delicious!!
For dinner, I cooked Tau-ge with chicken today!!! and made rice with my brand new rice cooker!! tasted not bad..
Nothing much happened today, except a BIG shopping spree in E-mart..
Me, Dorothy, and Li had to tak the taxi back home, cuz there were just too much to carry!!

Below are pictures for you to see! 2 picture of Enter-6 mall below E-mart, and not forgeting also, the rice cooker and also my brand new electronic Korean dictionary that I bought in Yongsan last week..By the way, we bought a stand for the sink [see picture], to dry our plates and pots.. clever right? The UGG shop picture is for Ah Mei to see.. and I forgot to take a picture of the Guess shop today, it was on sales!!!! 50%!!! almost bought another bag, but I didnt! I stopped myself.. mum and dad are very proud of me I think.. hehe..

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