Wednesday, March 11, 2009

During the week

Below are pictures that I have taken during the week, some are taken during class, and the others are during lunch or dinners..
These pictures will allow you to see and feel how my everyday life is kind of like, and who I hang around with most of the time. You can also see how the class lectures are like too.. Big class with around 60-75 students..
By the way, the first 5 pictures are taken from the SCHOOL's Library! that place is SOOO BIG!! Fontys' Library is nothing compared to the one here,.. and I Love it!

1 comment:

  1. Heey Yin,

    How are you? I am fine. Hehe seems like you are having a great time in Korea. Enjoy it!! Dam the food looks so good, I miss it a lot hehe. I made a blogupdate today too and guess what? I have written a sentence about you in the end of my story. You will notice it while reading haha. Anyways, have fun during your classes and the trips in Seoul. Try to take pictures of the campus since I think everybody is curious about. Take care and be safe!

    Best regards x,
