Saturday, March 28, 2009

Namsan Park + Seoul Tower

Dear all,

First I have to apologize,. Im really bad at updating this blog, I should really spend more time and write more about what's happening to me. I will try to write once a week for now.. If things get better I will write more than once each week.

Want to know more about my everyday life during the week and weekends? look below:
Monday & Wednesday: Classes between 9am-2:45pm
Tuesday & Thursday: Classes between 10:30am-1:15pm
Friday-Sunday: My weekends
Additional Korean class: Monday 7pm-9pm
Basically, my most busiest day is Monday.. I dont get to rest much and I have a lot of classes in one day, after the Korean class, I only get home at around 10pm. You can imagine how tired I can be. Although its tiring, I really enjoy the korean lessons that I'm having.. my korean are improving day by day,. but its still not fast enough. I really wan to be able to speak Korean fluently. Hopefully, by the end of June, there will be a bigger improvement.

Today, (errmm more like Yesterday(Saturday)).. Me and a couple of friends went to Namsan Park, to the N Seoul Tower.. We arrived to the cable car place at like 5:30pm and managed to get up to the top at around 6pm.. I wanted to be there while the daylight was still out, sunset and the night.. It was such a pity that the sunset was not really visible, maybe I will go again when the sky is clearer.. Its a really nice place at the top of the Namsan park, its really a suitable "dating" place.. Couple goes up there to stroll in the park, hand in hand, buy a lock and lock their love at the top of the park.. You have to see how many locks there are up there! Its unbelievable! too bad I dun have a boyfriend, I couldn't buy a lock while I was up there.. But I managed to leave my name in N Seoul tower with a different method.. Instead of having a love lock, I had my name of the wall of N Seoul tower.. with love tiles.. However, my tile has no love, only the typical line "Yin was here!!" line..

At the top of the tower, the view of the Seoul city is just unbelievable! The night view is just awesome! I could sit there for hours, sipping coffee and just look out and enjoy the scenery from above.. Its so calming to just release your stress there.. But if you were to do that, (to relax) I would suggest you go there when its less busy.. maybe during the week.. not on the weekends..

I wont put much photos of the Namsan tower here.. If you wan to view the photos, please go to my Msn Space!
THank you!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Last week @ Myeong Dong

Last week Thursday, which is March 19th.. Me and 3 other friends went to Myeong Dong after class, to shop.. [nothing new here cuz I do shop a lot over here..] After coming out of the subway station, there were a big group of poeple standing right outside the subway exit, and me being all curious, so I went to 湊熱鬧.. and Guess what I saw?!

Hong Kong celebrities! from the show 耳分高下 (Boom Boom Ba?).. the show with 哈林, and other Hong Kong celebrity.. and while I was watching them film, I saw three other celebrities that were standing in front of me! the closest to me was 黃德斌!!! if you watch hong kong dramas, you will know who he is.. Other celebrities were 森美 and [god i forgot her name.. ] But anyway,.. below are the pics that I took of them..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A day @ E-mart

Wooopie!!! 1st comment on my blog!! By my great friend, TOmmy..
He requested that I should talk picture of Kyung Hee for my friends and family to see,. I have taken some pictures before, but its not a lot.. I will wait for Spring, when the cherry blossom are out, then I'll take some Fabulous pics!! OKay???

Anyway, today...
I went to E-mart! to stock a lot of things!!
I bought myself a rice cooker!!! muahahahaha!~ I can start cooking!!
I also bout some vege and meat to do some cooking, not forgetting to mention, 1kg of strawberry!! the strawberries from E-mart are so delicious!!
For dinner, I cooked Tau-ge with chicken today!!! and made rice with my brand new rice cooker!! tasted not bad..
Nothing much happened today, except a BIG shopping spree in E-mart..
Me, Dorothy, and Li had to tak the taxi back home, cuz there were just too much to carry!!

Below are pictures for you to see! 2 picture of Enter-6 mall below E-mart, and not forgeting also, the rice cooker and also my brand new electronic Korean dictionary that I bought in Yongsan last week..By the way, we bought a stand for the sink [see picture], to dry our plates and pots.. clever right? The UGG shop picture is for Ah Mei to see.. and I forgot to take a picture of the Guess shop today, it was on sales!!!! 50%!!! almost bought another bag, but I didnt! I stopped myself.. mum and dad are very proud of me I think.. hehe..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

During the week

Below are pictures that I have taken during the week, some are taken during class, and the others are during lunch or dinners..
These pictures will allow you to see and feel how my everyday life is kind of like, and who I hang around with most of the time. You can also see how the class lectures are like too.. Big class with around 60-75 students..
By the way, the first 5 pictures are taken from the SCHOOL's Library! that place is SOOO BIG!! Fontys' Library is nothing compared to the one here,.. and I Love it!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My second weekend

I guess i'll start writing about the my second weekend here.. its not too interesting, didnt do much. However, Friday was a long day for me, since I had so many thing planned for the same day!
Things that I planned for Friday:
  • Going to Immigration office to make my alien registration (foreign card)
  • Going to Myeong Dong to meet my friend, Hyun Jin
  • Going to City hall at 6:30 to register for a korean class, and do a korean level test
  • Going to Itaewon for partying (? still unplanned at that time)
So,.. I left for home at 10am in the morning, met up with the others at the main gate of the school. Some people came late, as it always happen when we go with a group of people. So we only got to the immigration office at 11:30am. When we arrived, it all PACKED with people!! We took a waiting number, and mine was no.538.. and the number on the counter was no.142.. I had to wait for around 400 numbers!! We as a group then decided, to just fill out the forms and come back in a few hours..

Went to Yong san for like 15 mins, then I left on my own to Myeong Dong to meet with my friend, Hyun Jin. She tooked my to lunch and we ate 부대지개, so freaking delicious!!! and i forgot to mention, so BIG as well!!!! After that we walked around Myeong Dong, did some shopping, took sticker photos, and ate some food on the road. Its such a shopping heaven there!! Anyway, at 4pm, we left Myeong Dong and went back to Anguk to check on my number..

Guess what?? When I got there, it the number was 640!!! I missed the number!!! argh!!! So annoyed, but since im not in a hurry to get it, I will just go back to it this coming week. So we left the immigration office, and went to Insa-dong nearby. Insa-dong, a place to buy Korean souvenirs! We went to a place called Ssamjigil, where I wanted to go when I saw the place in the tour guide book. This place is filled with all sorts of hand-made products, and we could even make some ourselves. I just created my own decorated mirror, and got my name carved on a stamp.. I will go back to that place again, with Hyun Jin and make my own bowl and lights!

After all the DIY stuff, I was already late with meeting up Benjamin at the city hall, for the application of Korean classes, got there at 6:52pm and waited for Benjamin. Thank god he was also late, if not he would have mean so mad at me.. We went to apply for Korean classes, and because I have learnt korean myself before, I had to take the korean level test to see which class I belong to. Did a 50Q test and the questions were so difficult!! Q15-25, I could still figure out a bit of what the Q was on about, but from Q30-50, I practically guessed everything.. So in the end, Im in Beginner level 3 class.. which I will be starting on Monday, for the upcoming Months..

I already missed 1 class, so I would need to catch up, if not I will need to stay behind for another month. So im gonna take that chance, and try and pass it! Benjamin is going to start the class next month since the beginner 1 class was too full..

Anyway, that was my Friday, didnt go party cuz I was too tired, but I shall go on the upcoming Friday! Saturday, I did nothing.. just stayed home.. Today, I went to Yong san in the afternoon with Li and Kee Wook, and I went searching for a digital Korean dictionary, and I got ONE! Quite a good deal, pretty cheap.. and I got something else too, but I ain't gonna share it here..
Below are some pictures for you all to see!