Friday, June 26, 2009

3 more days left

My sister has been here for 6 days now, and my friends left a week or more ago,.. I now realized that it was a good thing that my sister came to visit, if not, I would never survive these days on my own. I would just be sitting at home and not doing much. After almost everyone left, and other people going on holiday to Japan/ Beijing, this place feels so empty and cold. I somehow wish I wasn't the last ones to leave this place,.

Right now, Im frustrated with packing,. no matter how much I pack there are still so many stuff!! I even bought the biggest trash bag, and have it half filled now, it still looks like I have a LOT of stuff!! 어떻해?!! what am I gonna do? I dislike packing, I wish a container would just show up and I can throw everything into it! But life is unfair, we dont always get what we want, so Im just going to stick with packing and leave in 3 days! Im going to somehow spend my summer to the fullest, I want to have fun as much as I can!! I want to be happy!

3 more days!!!!! I will miss Seoul, but then again, Im 70% sure that I will come back again, so its definitely not good-bye forever! .. not that sad this way..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

[quick update] Sunday: My sister arrived :D but Laura's last day :((

[Sunday 21st June] My sister arrived from M'sia!! I picked her up at the station, rested a little, and we went straight for Myeong-DOng!! Don't worry, I didnt buy anything, so it was not a dangerous trip to that place.. hehe.. We went to the Namsan tower, (the 3rd time for me!!, no more I hope),. It was pretty tiring for us both, since we both slept so little the night before. So headed home and rest for awhile, before going the Kyung Hee Hybrid party.

It was the last night out, before Laura had to leave to Latvia. We partied a little, danced, sweat, drinked, it was a short tiring night, but worth it! Took a group picture with Laura before leaving! Laura my girl, Im gonna miss you! Im so happy that I met you here in Seoul!! Take care fluffy!! xx

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

[quick update] Just me & Laura!

COEX Aquarium!!
Laura and I went to Coex after saying bye to the swedish friends, we had lunch and went to spend time with the fishes!! it was a relaxing time, and all my stress & sadness about people leaving were just GONE! (for the time being) ..

Videos of Laura <3::

[quick update] Farewell dinner again!

Last Wednesday, we had another farewell dinner for 4 of my swedish friends, Martin, Linus, Mariana and Olof. They left on Thursday, back to Sweden! It was the most fun and sad farewell I had here.. Saying bye was hard and horrible,.. but Life goes on..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

horrible week

This coming week has gotta be the worse week here!

Final Exams and 4 more friends are leaving in the same week! My concentration for studying are gone! Why must I be studying when all I wanna do is hang out with my friends and just have FUN!?!! I really thought I could handle the whole farewell good-bye part, but its starting to feel horrible for me. I really don't wanna say good-bye to the friends here and I dont wanna leave here! Why did I choose to stay longer in Seoul when all my friends are leaving early? ..haiz.. Coming here was an experience for me, but this leaving part is disgusting! Everything happens for a reason, and I just have to live with it .. haiz.. "keep my heads up, and Live strong"

I still have visit the different places outside Seoul, but Im not gonna worry about it, becuz I know for sure that I will be back in Korea again,. I will slowly, somehow put a fullstop to this semester with my friends,. Im SOOOOOO Gonna MISS them!! :(((((

Monday, June 8, 2009

Late update.. sorry..

What happened in my life lately? hmmm...

2 weekends ago, me and 3 other pretty ladies went to Jeju; 5days 4 nights trip! It was sunshine all the way, we laid on the beach (where I got tanned and burnt!!) and we also rented 2 wicked cool scooters and went around the island with it!! It was the best thing that happen in this trip, the scooter just made my days!! I really miss scooter-ing around.. I did take an awful lot of pictures so just go to facebook for the pictures! I wont be posting them here.. way too much!! the pictures will tell you how my trip in Jeju were.

After coming back Jeju, it was back to classes, back to assignments, back to presentations, back to STRESS!!! I currently have 7 reports to hand in, and still 2 more presentations to do! I will go freakin' crazy soon! I really dont like working, and studying anymore.. (well then again, since when did I like these things??)..

The time left in Korea are getting less and less each day.. its starting to be real sad for many of us. Some friends are leaving the end of this week, and middle of next week! ITs SOOOO SAD! Im really gonna miss the friends that I met here, I love them! Ive been living with them for the past month, hanging out, partying, drinking, eating, shopping, chilling, doing-spa, .. they are like my Family in Seoul! .. awww.. Its gonna be so horrible saying bye to them, and not knowing when will be the next time we meet each other... sigh.. *not gonna think about it for now* .. Its way too depressing..

This weekend will be the last weekend with some of the friends,.. quite a few are leaving next week.. so Im just gonna go all out, and spend time with them, and saying proper goodbye to them! Eventhough next week is Final exams, Im not gonna let that get to me, Im still gonna hang out and chill out with them! Just going to Have fun! and make every second count!!

So far I know:
  • Grace is probably leaving end of this week -- Definitely will miss the Aussie Grace, the girl with all the fun and that will go all Out! "wat's sup Mateee"
  • The swedish boys (except Ulf) and Mariana are leaving next Thursday! -- so gonna miss this bunch of guys and definitely Mariana! but now i got more reason to visit Sweden! hehe
  • Isabella and Ulf are leaving on the 21st
  • Isabelle the day after
  • Stefan leaving the same day as me
  • Gauhar, Erin, Meerim, and them will be/might be leaving after me

*sniff sniff*